Nature Based Solutions, Climate Adaptation, and Sustainable Development Goals

Protecting and enhancing our quality of life

Nature-based solutions (NBS) are living solutions, inspired and supported by nature. They provide multiple benefits that build resilience, and bring nature to cities, landscapes and waterscapes through local, resource-efficient and systemic interventions.


Hai-Ying Liu

Senior Scientist

Riccardo Boero

Senior Scientist

NBS are a critical part of the sustainable urbanization process. They support biodiversity conservation, generate additional environmental, economic, and societal benefits, and provide a basis for climate change mitigation and adaptation. NBS simultaneously address multiple concerns by promoting the creation, maintenance, enhancement, and restoration of ecosystems.

Typical Examples of Services

A living NBS portfolio fed with options and ideas to implement NBS for the municipalities and products and services promoting the sustainable use of urban ecosystems

Policy/governance framework with legal requirements and standardization processes that enable cities to adopt NBS

Visionary and integrated solutions in public spaces that promote health and wellbeing, improving the air and environmental quality

Ecosystem-based management and conservation of natural resources, maximizing and preserving ecosystem services in urban context

Climate change mitigation and adaptation measures through nature-based visionary solutions

Current and Past Activities

  • Contribute to planning and design of several eco-cities development in China
  • Develop eco-label based SO2 trading system in Shanxi Province, China
  • Review and development of methodologies for a meta-analysis of the drivers of urban sustainability transitions
  • Perform meta-analysis case studies by looking into enabling factors towards sustainable developments in European Green Capital cities and European Green Leaf cities.
  • Coordinate applications of NBS in public spaces for improving well-being and health
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